We hope you use this opportunity to volunteer at as many booths as you can, doing chesed in Daniella's honor to give her neshama an aliyah. Scroll all the way down to view all 15 volunteer opportunities!

Toys for Hospitalized Children
Toys for Hospitalized Children brings happiness and healing to children suffering from various illnesses. This brilliant yet simple campaign transforms a scary time to one of hope. To a sick child, a toy is much more than just a gift—it’s a gesture of love. Studies show that positivity can trigger self-healing and that happy kids heal faster. It only takes a smile a day to keep the doctors away!
This year, we have 2 exciting chesed opportunities with TFHC.
1) Tommy Hilfiger ‘Adaptive’ clothing drive for disabled children:
‘Adaptive’ clothing gives kids with special needs the freedom to dress themselves easily and with dignity. We've partnered with Tommy Hilfiger to send their Adaptive clothing line to kids who would benefit from it.
Step 1: Shop their Adaptive line using the volunteer button below
Step 2: Enter the special DMF Chesed Fair promo-code "TOYS" for 20% off Full-Price Tommy Adaptive styles
Step 3: Add any items to your cart and upon checkout, select Gift Options and list your name and details so we can send a tax receipt
Step 4: Enter the following shipping address where the clothing will be sorted and gifted to sick children DMF/TOYS, 824 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213.
2) Bring cheer to a hospitalized child remotely:
Channel your inner entertainer and cheer up a sick child remotely. Do you play an instrument? Know a great joke? Or a magic trick? Record a 30-90 second video of yourself performing. Hospitalized children can be sad and lonely and your virtual ‘visit’ will bring smiles and healing to children grappling with illness. We will send these clips to children to keep them entertained during their long hospitalization. You can email the clip to or send via whatsapp to 347-322-0797.

Donate Blood
Blood centers across the country are and have been suffering from shortages for the 19 months of the pandemic. COVID-19 has destroyed the foundation on which the community donates blood to patients served by New York Blood Center. Every week, more than 75,000 blood donations and 1,700 donated platelet units are needed to meet patient need. To ensure we are prepared to support health agencies in our communities and across the country, NYBC strongly urges individuals who feel healthy and well to make an appointment at a donor center or find a new community blood drive.
While you can sign up to donate blood at any time, DMF's virtual drive is officially between January 27 – February 7, 2022. To sign up for an appointment at a donor center or community blood drive near you click the below button and use the DMF group code 69582 to be a part of this life-saving event.

DOROT aims to alleviate social isolation and provide concrete services to older adults which is ever important at this time. With so many older adults in DOROT’s network who are alone without family or access to tech tools to help them connect with others, DOROT is looking for volunteers for “Caring Calls” where you’ll be paired with an elderly person to call them on the phone and check in on them on an ongoing basis.
DOROT also has upcoming food package deliveries on January 30th and 31st where you can drop a package off at an elderly person's building and connect with them on the phone after.
Either volunteer opportunity with DOROT will help bring joy and comfort to the most vulnerable population during this isolating time.
Click the below button to sign up to be a Caring Calls volunteer or to register for a Food Package Delivery. After filling out the form, DOROT will reach out to schedule a virtual training session and provide next steps.

NechamaComfort is the only Jewish organization to provide support to families of all backgrounds who have suffered pregnancy loss – from early miscarriage through infants up to age one. They operate globally with a direct and significant local impact.
NechamaComfort provides support to the immediate family, extended family and friends. Their services include: crisis intervention, individual and group counseling, bi-weekly support groups, guidance and communication with medical professionals and clergy, and Jewish burial support. Whether the loss was recent or not, NechamaComfort is here.
NechamaComfort is launching an initiative to provide Comfort Care Packages to families during their grieving processes. These packages offer some relaxation and relief during an extremely difficult time. In addition to the physical comfort items, each package includes important and helpful resources, information, and contacts for the families.
We are excited to offer two opportunities for you to make this launch a success:
1. You can purchase the Comfort Care Package items by clicking on the below button which will take you to their Amazon registry (for shipping address, select the Esther Levie registry)
2. You can volunteer your time to help organize and assemble the individualized Comfort Care Packages (packages will be assembled in Teaneck, NJ). Reach out to to schedule a time

Chai Lifeline
Chai Lifeline is an international organization that provides unparalleled support and care to children with cancer and other serious illnesses. Chai Lifeline finds ways to bring happiness and hope to these young patients and their families through innovative, resourceful, and effective services and activities. All services are free of charge which ensures that every child receives complete access to all the resources Chai Lifeline can provide them. Chai lifeline was very special to Daniella. She loved to work as a Chai Lifeline volunteer in hospitals and enjoyed working for two summers at Camp Simcha.
Daniella impacted so many lives and brought so much joy to all the children in need through this organization.
This year we are offering two projects that will be delivered to hospitalized Chai Lifeline children along with a coloring book.
1) Sponge painting: Cut and use sponges as paintbrushes to create fun masterpieces for the children at the hospital to enjoy. Sponges, scissors, construction paper and paint will be provided at the comfort of your own home, along with a return label to send back to Chai Lifeline after making the paintings. This is fun activity to do with young children. For ideas/reference:
2) Rainbow Loom bracelet making: create bracelets for the children in the hospital to wear and enjoy. A complete rainbow loom bracelet kit will be provided along with instructions at the comfort of your home, along with a return label to send back to Chai Lifeline after making the bracelets. This is a fun activity to do with older children!
Please choose one of the two options or both and email with your name and home address so she can send you the materials and instructions.
With your help, we hope to continue Daniella’s legacy by bringing countless smiles to all sick children.

AMIT educates more than 41,000 children in 106 schools, youth villages, surrogate family residences and other programs, constituting Israel’s only government-recognized network of religious Jewish education incorporating academic and tech studies. Two-thirds of AMIT students come from socioeconomically disadvantaged communities or development towns. AMIT enables these kids to dream big by substantially reducing the gaps between them and those in more well-off cities and towns in central Israel. AMIT levels the playing field for them by providing the highest quality interactive education, additional tutoring hours, emotional support and encouragement, and cutting-edge teaching techniques. AMIT is an organization that meant a lot to Daniella through her time at AMIT Seminary and volunteering with Beit Hayeled.
Connect with the children of Beit Hayeled by sending a personal “e-letter” to
Each e-letter sent will be printed and handed to a Beit Hayeled student directly.
Help partake in continuing in Daniella’s legacy by sharing a caring word and sending a smile to the children of Beit Hayeled. We encourage you and your children to draw and paint pictures to include in your e-letters. Some fun ideas to write or draw about can be the recent snow days in Israel and your favorite snow day activities, or your favorite places to visit in Israel.

Sharsheret is a national non-profit organization that improves the lives of Jewish women and families living with or at increased genetic risk for breast or ovarian cancer through personalized support and saves lives through educational outreach.
Best Face Forward Makeup
Sharsheret's FREE Best Face Forward Kit is filled with makeup products (including creams, eyeliners, instant brows), easy-to-follow application instructions, and tips for those facing hair loss and changes in skin tone and is designed to help women going through treatment look and feel their best. Help support this program and purchase paraben-free items through the button below (for shipping address select the Sharsheret DMF registry).
Have the Talk Cancer Genetics Campaign
Commit to learning about your family cancer history and, speaking with your family, and understanding what questions you should be asking your doctor. Hear from Peggy Cottrell, Sharsheret's Genetic Counselor, and then download and complete a family pedigree chart. Follow our Have the Talk guide to learn what steps you need to take! If you are interested, please contact Sarah Eagle at

Gift of Life
At Gift of Life we are determined to provide all those battling blood cancer the second chance at life they so deserve. We are singularly passionate about engaging the public to help us get everyone involved in our fight against blood cancer. Whether as a donor, volunteer, or through financial support, it all begins with one remarkable person, one life-changing swab and one huge win — finding a match and a cure.
If you would like to get involved, please use the attached link to find the Daniella Moffson Donor's circle, to order a free swab kit that will be sent to your home where you can swab yourself, join the fight, and become part of the cure! Please note that if you've already been swabbed through Gift of Life you're already in the database and don't need to swab again.

Knock Knock Give a Sock
Knock Knock Give A Sock (KKGS) works to humanize homeless one sock a time by bringing neighbors living in local homeless shelters and neighbors living homes together. The organization raises awareness about who are the homeless in addition to providing them fresh socks; a much needed resource in many homeless shelters. The organization uses a two-step model to achieve their goal. They first encourage a company or a community to host a sock drive, after which Knock Knock Give A Sock offers them the opportunity to host a “Meet Your Neighbors Dinner.” These dinner programs foster community engagement; effectively turning the transaction of simply donating socks into an interaction that further the aim of breaking stigmas while breaking bread. Now during COVID, KKGS has pivoted to virtual "Meet Your Neighbor" events and even wrote a set of children's books to help humanize homelessness during this time.
Want to hear some of your neighbors stories who have experienced homelessness and hear their journey and experiences with homelessness and shelters? Join KKGS and DMF today (Sun, Jan 30th) at 11am by clicking the zoom link in the volunteer button below.
Join Zoom Meeting
If you can't join the zoom hangout but want to support your neighbors experiencing homelessness, you can purchase a pair of a socks from our wishlist below:

Lunch with Mikey
Lunch with Mikey is an opportunity to have lunch with Mikey Lorch, who Daniella first met through the Friendship Circle. At Barnard, Daniella often had lunch with Mikey and many have worked on continuing her weekly lunch dates with Mikey via monthly zoom calls!
Click the below button to be added to the Whatsapp group with opportunities to join a monthly FaceTime with Mikey.

Ellie's Great BIG Challah Bake
Ellie is a young girl who was diagnosed with a Grade IV Glioblastoma brain tumor at 11 months old. Her radiant and contagious smile hasn't faded throughout her journey and every obstacle she has had to overcome - including dozens of scans, multiple surgeries, and various chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Every Thursday, women across the world have come together to say the bracha for hafrashat challah in Ellie's refuah. If you would like to participate in this event @TeamEllieC hosts a live Instagram each week. Follow their account to join!
Click on the below button to add your name to the spreadsheet to make challah with 40+ women in refuah for Ellie. Keep her name, Chana Esther bat Ayala Hadar, in your mind while making the challah. Please take pictures and post them with the #challahforellie and tag @teamelliec

Zichron Menachem
Zichron Menachem is an organization in Israel helping children with cancer and their families. One of the many services provided is the Wig Program where anyone can donate their hair to patients going through chemotherapy, to help them receive a custom made wig. This video ( showcases what Zichron Menachem does and how the wigmaker fits a custom wig for each patient. Donating hair is the most kind and selfless act. Zichron Menachem provides their wigs completely free of charge, made out of the generously donated hair.
If you have long hair and are interested in donating it, please email to receive exact instructions on how many inches are needed to participate, as well as additional info on how to send in the donated hair.

2022 NYC Marathon
The New York 2022 Half Marathon is scheduled for Sunday March 20. Team Daniella has been a staple at this marathon for the past few years and we will be running again this year to raise money to build our next park in Israel.
If you are interested in running with #TeamDaniella in this marathon, email with your name and interest. We still have a few slots outstanding.

DNM Minyan Project
The Daniella Moffson Minyan Project was launched as a way to honor Daniella's memory, to celebrate and remember her commitment to prayer. Daniella began and concluded each and every day by speaking to God and her dedication to prayer served as an inspiration to all who knew her--and many who didn't--both during her lifetime and since her passing. No matter how busy or tired she was, Daniella made sure to set aside the time to pray three times a day.
To sign up for a prayer slot, click the below button. Note: you do not need to attend minyan to participate in this project- davening from home works too.

Siddur Project
The Siddur Project honors Daniella's deep and unabiding love of prayer. Three times each day, Daniella prayed from her pink siddur, reading every word with unmatched kavanah and devotion. Daniella cherished her siddur, and brought it with her everywhere. The Siddur Project was created both to keep Daniella close to our hearts and to remind us of Daniella's unceasing commitment to prayer, Torah, and Judaism as a whole. Net proceeds from the Siddur Project fund the important chesed initiatives organized by the Daniella Moffson Foundation. Please support the Foundation’s mission by purchasing a pink or blue siddur in loving memory of Daniella Z’L.
To purchase a pink or blue siddur, please click the below button. Payment can be made through PayPal or Venmo (@E-Spievack). For further information, please contact

Shas for Daniella
We had the goal of completing Shas for Daniella's first yartzeit in her memory. Baruch HaShem we have been able to complete Shas every year, learning over 14,000 pages of gemara in her honor. Our sages teach us that learning Torah in someone’s memory really elevates the soul. Every single word of Torah learned is a huge merit for the neshama. We hope to please G-d continue finishing Shas every year in Daniella’s Z'L memory.
Click the below button to participate in the annual Shas for Daniella program and help us complete Shas for 2022.